May 4, 2024

C++ program to count positive, negative, and zeros

In this example, we will learn a C++ program to count positive, negative, and zeros in an array. This program takes the maximum number for an array from the user and counts similar numbers.

Example: C++ program to count positive negative and zeros

Here is the code to take maximum array values from the user. Programs count their zeros, positive and negative numbers.

//C++ program to count positive, negative and zeros
using namespace std;
int main()
int countPositive=0, countNegative=0, countZero=0, arr[50], i, number;
cout<<"Input maximum numbers to enter 0-50: ";
for(i=0; i<number; i++)
for(i=0; i<number; i++)
else if(arr[i]==0)
cout<<"Positive numbers are: "<<countPositive<<endl;
cout<<"Negative numbers are: "<<countNegative<<endl;
cout<<"Total zeros are: "<<countZero<<endl;
return 0;


cpp program to count positive, negative, and zeros

Description and working of this program

  • Initialize 5 variables and named it “countPositive=0”, “countNegative=0”, “countZero=0”, “i” and “number”.
  • Initialize array named it “arr[50]”.
  • Take the Maximum length value of an array from the user and store it in the “number” variable.
  • Initialize two for loops one to store array values to each index and the other is used to move at each index.
  • If the array values are greater than 0. Increments in countPositive.
  • If the array values less than 0. Increments in countNegative.
  • And if the array value is equal to zero. Increments in countZero.
  • After that result is displayed on the screen.

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